Monday 20 February 2017


If your oily complexion is getting you down, you are not alone, because oily skin is a very common problem. Fortunately, there are lots of things that you can do to reduce the shine and achieve that matte complexion that you have been dreaming of. Take a look at these ten beauty tips and learn how easy it is to achieve beautiful, flawless, matte skin.

1. Keep your hands away from your face
Your hands are constantly coming into contact with dirt, germs and grease, so keep your hands away from your face or you will be making an oily complexion worse and it could cause breakouts. If you have got into the habit of resting your head in your hands, or rubbing your face when you are tired, it’s going to be a tough habit to break, but try, because it will help clear up your complexion and reduce the oiliness of your skin.

2. Don’t over-wash your face
When you are in a constant battle with an oily face, it can make you feel like you want to wash your face every five minutes, but avoid that temptation, because you are actually making the oiliness worse. If you over-wash your face, your oil production glands will go into overdrive trying to replace those natural oils that you keep washing off and you’ll end up in a fight with your oily skin that you just can’t win.

3. Don’t use harsh soaps
On a similar note to the point we made above, if you use harsh soaps or very strong facial cleansers, you will be doing more harm than good. It might feel good for a few minutes to know that you have cleaned away all the oil from your face, but it won’t be long before your skin replenishes that oil, and it will probably add some extra oil back as well if you use harsh soaps. Use a gentle, oil free gel cleanser and try not to use it more than two or three times a day.

4. Avoid oil based makeup
It’s important to check the ingredients of the makeup products you use when you have oily skin to make sure that you are not just adding more oil to your skin. Choose mineral based products and products that are labelled non-comedogenic, which means that he won’t block your pores. Basically, anything that is oil free will better for your skin if you have an oily complexion.

5. Don’t stop moisturizing
Thinking that oily skin doesn’t need moisturizing is a big mistake, because that too will cause your skin to create more natural oils to compensate for the dryness of the skin. Oily skin needs to be moisturized with the right kind of moisturizer, though, so look for moisturizers that are oil free, or water based, and avoid using any heavy creams or moisturizers.

6. Don’t forget to exfoliate
Exfoliating is important for all skin types, but especially so when you have oily skin. Exfoliate once or twice a week and it will lift dead skin cells and dirt from your skin and keep your pores clear. If you chose an exfoliate  that is designed especially for oily skin, you will probably find that it also contains an astringent, which will break down excess oil and help control the production of sebum.

7. Prep your skin with primer
Applying a primer that is designed for oily skin will help keep your makeup in place and it will stop the shine developing on your skin. The best types of primers for oily skin are those that contain silica which helps to control oil, and those that will provide a matte finish.

8. Choose the right type of foundation
Your choice of foundation is important too, when you are trying to achieve the perfect matte complexion. Choose a foundation that will give you a matte finish and that does not contain any iridescent pigments. A good matte liquid foundation will provide a smooth base for the rest of your makeup and help keep your skin looking matte all day long.

9. Set your makeup
Setting your makeup is one of the most important steps in achieving a matte complexion and the best way to set your makeup is with a light application of translucent powder. Apply a loose translucent powder over your foundation and then let it sit for ten minutes or so before you brush away any excess. The powder will set your makeup, keep your makeup in place, and keep your face shine-free for longer.

10. Carry oil-blotting sheets with you
Even with these tips, keeping your skin matte on a hot and humid day is tough for anyone, so carry some oil-blotting sheets with you at all times. A quick dab over your T-zone with these clever little inventions will mop up any excess sweat and oil and leave you with perfectly matte skin.
Stay beautiful!
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